Business Administration graduate Ben Ancheta
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Business Administration 2016-17


Sep Edmonton FT Face-to-face
Jan Edmonton FT Face-to-face


Program length

8 months full-time;
12 months part-time




Total tuition: $4,256
Total fees: $959

Total tuition: $12,342.40
Total fees: $959


50% in English Language Arts 30-1 or English Language Arts 30-2 or equivalent; OR successful completion f the GED, with a standard score of 520 in Language Arts: Reading and Writing; OR successful completion of Written Communication (COMM1007)...

Download a Program Fact Sheet

Program Requirements

  • 50% in English Language Arts 30-1 or English Language Arts 30-2 or equivalent
  • 60% in Mathematics 20-1 (Pure Mathematics 20) or Mathematics 20-2 (Applied Mathematics 20) or equivalent, or 50% in Mathematics 30-1 (Pure Mathematics 30) or Mathematics 30-2 (Applied Mathematics 30) or equivalent**

**Note: If it has been 10 or more years since you completed mathematics courses (i.e. Math 10, 20, 30 or Math 13, 23, 33), you will be required to complete a skills assessment, take a challenge exam, or complete upgrading to meet the mathematics requirement for this program.

English Language Proficiency Requirements

If English is your second language, you must provide proof of English language proficiency (ELP) prior to admission. ELP must have been completed within the two years prior to application to the program. Acceptable evidence of ELP may be one of the following:

Note: Meeting the English language proficiency requirement does NOT exempt the applicant from meeting the English academic course work required for admission to this program.

Conditional or Provisional admission may be granted to applicants who are missing admission requirements after satisfying certain conditions.

  • Conditional admission is for applicants currently enrolled in courses required to meet the academic admission requirements for the applied program at NorQuest.
  • Provisional admission is for applicants who are missing admission requirements but must satisfy certain conditions within a set timeline, normally within the first year of enrolment.

See Admissions Process for more details.


Full-time students must pass 4 out of 5 courses each term and maintain an overall average of D+ (GPA 1.3) or higher to automatically progress in the program. If you do not achieve a term grade point average of 1.3, you may be permitted to continue on a probationary basis with the permission of the department.

If you are a full-time student in the program and you fail 2 courses in a semester, you will be placed on contractual departmental probation for the following semester. Failure to meet the probation requirements may result in forced withdrawal from the full-time program for one full semester. Readmission to the program will be subject to departmental review.

If you are a full-time student in the program and you fail 3 or more courses in any one semester, you will be required to withdraw for one full semester from the full-time program. Readmission to the program will be subject to departmental review.

Graduation Requirments

To qualify for graduation, students must pass all courses. To qualify for graduation, students must pass all courses and maintain an overall GPA of 2.0.

Honours Criteria

  • Overall grade point average (GPA) greater than or equal to 3.7
  • The student must not have failed or repeated any courses