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WorldCat Search

WorldCatThis would be a paragraph describing what worldcat is and how it works. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui.

Search Catalogue


NEOSNorQuest Library is a NEOS library. NEOS is a collective of 18 libraries. This means you can use your NorQuest ID/Library card to borrow resources directly from another NEOS library either in-person or using the request function in the library catalogue. Requested resources are delivered to NorQuest for convenient pick up.

What is this?

Features in NEOS:

There are several features you can access within the NEOS system, such as:

  • View items you have checked out
  • View Items you have on hold
  • Change your PIN (4 digits only)
  • Renew Items that are checked out


At the beginning of term you will receive an AUTOMATED email from the Library (check your MyMail account!). This email contains your PIN number.

Placing Book Requests

To place a hold on a book in NEOS, use the following steps:

  • Log into NEOS to see what items are on hold for you at NorQuest Library (also see items you have placed on hold and your position in the holds queue).
  • An email will be sent to your NorQuest email account when your hold request item is available to be picked up in the Library.

Edmonton Public Library

Your NorQuest Student ID can be your ticket to Edmonton Public Library (EPL) membership through the L-Pass. If you don't have an EPL membership, you can get it now, by clicking on the L-Pass image and completing the registration form. If you already have an EPL membership you can still choose to use your NorQuest ID Card as your public library card, your accounts will be merged.

EPL membership is a privilege of access that includes digital resources, books, music, audio books, programming and a multitude of services. Join today!

Learn more about Lpass
Lpass - Edmonton Public Library

TAL (The Alberta Library)

The Alberta Library (TAL) is a library partnership of 49 libraries across the province of Alberta. You must have a NorQuest ID and PIN number to place holds in TAL Online. Requests made on materials located outside of Edmonton may take additional time to arrive. You will be notified through the email account you identified for use within the College.

Search TAL Online
TAL -The Alberta Library

Still can't find it?

You have looked everywhere and you can't find the book or article you are looking for? You can request an "interlibrary loan". Use the provided form on the right and provide as much information as you can about the source you require. The library staff will contact you if they have any questions or to notify you that your item has been found!

Samy - Please add a contact form that will include name, email address and text area for the user to enter data. Subject line should be "Interlibrary Loan" or ILL. email to