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Please provide us with your Emergency contact information. This information will only be used for emergencies.

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Please review the following information. If it is correct, proceed to create a password.

Student Information Edit Student Information

Name: Corey M Stroeder
Birthdate: Feb 10, 1977
Gender: Male
Citizenship: Canadian

Contact Information Edit Contact Information

Street Address: 11612 33 Ave
City: Edmonton
Country: Canada
Province/State: Alberta
Phone number: 1 (780) 644-6037
Email: corey.stroeder@norquest.ca

Emergency Contact Edit Emergency Contact

Contact Name: Wife
Phone number: 1 (780) 888-8888

Your Password

You will be emailed with your new NorQuest email address. However, you do need to create a password for you NorQuest account.

Please consider the following criteria when creating your password:

  • Minimum character length = 8
  • At least 1 numerical digit
  • Special characters can be used, but must be one of the following:
    ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + \ | [ ] { } ; : / ? . > <
  • Password cannot match the User ID (which has not been created at this point)
  • Password cannot match the primary email (which has not been created at this point)

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